
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Marriage license vs. marriage

I sure hope that marriage is nothing like getting a marriage license, because we just did that tonight and it was one of the most impersonal things we've ever done.

We drove up to the crappiest strip mall you've ever seen in a random town outside Seattle and walked into a tiny office. There were two other couples that got there about the same time as us, and as we walked in the woman behind the counter said, "I can do all three of you at the same time." I don't know if that's quite the phrase I was expecting to hear as I took a step towards spending the rest of my life with one person. It's just not the tone I was going for.

After filling out lots of paper work and getting chided for not filling it in correctly, we were blessed with the news that the actual license we fill out never gets sent back to us. Nope, we never see it again. Instead we get a decorative piece of paper that we can fill out ourselves whenever we want. All this service for the low low price of just $54.

I sure hope marriage is a little friendlier than the license.


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